
October 24, 2010

Family Time

We decided to skip church this morning and spend time together. Abby has been extra clingy the past few days and the thought of dropping her off at church wasn't appealing. Knowing that both Marcus and I have business trips this week (separate days) we wanted to stabilize her little world this morning. We decided Zilker Park would be fun since the weather was cool.

We all slept late and grabbed breakfast tacos at a local Mexican food restaurant and arrived at Zilker at 11, just in time to swing before the next train ride. Abby went on a swing strike, but we are back to loving swinging!
The train always sounds like a fun idea and then we spend the full 25 minutes holding her down, making her sit on her bottom, and trying to entertain her.
But, it was a tradition and one day she'll enjoy it!
While waiting for the train, we did treat Abby to her first snow cone. She doesn't know it, but she enjoyed lots of these while I was pregnant. She spit out the first bite, I think because it was so cold. After that bite, she enjoyed it.
We made it home in time for lunch and hopefully a long nap. We've protested that the past couple of days also! I like my long quiet Sunday afternoons and the happy girl that wakes up afterward.

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