
October 25, 2010

Friday Night Playdate

Our little friend Madeline came over to play Friday night while her Mom had a work event. We had just seen Madeline the previous weekend, so the girls didn't take long to warm up to each other. Madeline took a few minutes to warm up to the entire situation, but once she did we were able to see what a smart, well spoken, and sweet girl she is!

We played outside while the sun was still up- both girls liked to slide, swing and roll balls down the slide. Abby being comfortable in her own home, went right to the playscape and got into her routine. Madeline watched Abby and then jumped in to do her favorites.
Her eyes are just amazing- they draw you in.
While Marcus made us grilled cheeses for dinner, we went for a walk around the neighborhood in the wagon. Abby was so excited to have someone in the wagon with her! Madeline was quiet and just kept making sure she had her water, bear and monkey in her reach.
Madeline and I finished dinner while Marcus bathed Abby and then the girls made us dessert :) They both had fun playing in the kitchen.
Thanks for coming over to play Madeline!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for having Madeline over. I see many play dates and nights out for our girls. I'm loving watching them grow up together!
