
November 27, 2010

Christmas Photo Preview

We had our Christmas photos taken the weekend before Halloween. I know, crazy! But, since I am making my own Christmas cards, I wanted to give myself lots of time!

I asked Sandi (high school friend and photographer) to take this picture for me. I don't know what I want to do with it, but it is so cute!
Side story.... I bought the peep toes in this picture from Nordstrom's more than 5 years ago and they STILL are not broken in. They STILL make my feet bleed. I put them on just for this picture and promptly removed them. It kills me that they won't fit because I obviously love them and they were not cheap. At least I have them for this picture!

I'll post the final product after they are mailed out!


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that picture! And the shoes just paid off because they look great!

  2. I dont' know what it is about this pose, but I also love it!! We have the preggo one from last year ... then we took another from that angle, but you could see brady's face and just our legs!! Can't say my favorite because I loved them all ... but one of the top best pics!!
