
November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Day 2010

We had an easy low-key Thanksgiving. With just 3 adults and Abby (on a semi-food strike) eating, it was simple to prepare the meal. So, we got to spend more time doing crafts, watching football and playing!
We bought turkey from Rudy's and made the rest of our meal- dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, cranberry salad, pecan pie and pumpkin cheesecake. We had made the salad and desserts the day before. With the turkey already made, we just did dressing and mashed potatoes this morning. We ate at 12:30 and had the kitchen clean by 1:30. Easy!

Don't you just picture me getting this face in 13 years!
The food strike continued, after eating a big breakfast (almost 2 blueberry biscuits), Abby had white bread and applesauce for lunch. Frustrating! We are about to be done with our antibiotics and Abby will be learning that she will eat what is on her plate or wait until the next meal to eat.

After naptime, our friends Becky, Caroline and Madeline came to visit. They girls love to play together and they were the perfect friends to help us get through the in-all-day lull. After they warmed up, we loved watching them giggle, learn to share toys, and show us all of their tricks. I am still waiting for Madeline to count to 10 for me!
After playing for a few hours, it was time for Madeline to go home and Abby escorted her friend to the door. Shortly thereafter, we had a meltdown as Abby realized she wasn't going bye bye! ha!
We seldom shop Black Friday, so we'll be enjoying a low-key day tomorrow as well. We plan to decorate for Christmas, take a nap, and Marcus will be heading out tomorrow after the crowds die down to buy a new computer. Very exciting day for him!

Happy Thanksgiving! We recognize how very blessed we are and are abundantly grateful today and every day.


  1. Sounds wonderful! Such a smart idea getting your turkey from Rudy's...makes me hungry for BBQ now :o)

  2. Caroline and MadelineNovember 26, 2010 at 8:38 PM

    Thank you ... we had fun! And we've talked about Abby Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu all day!
