
November 24, 2010

On The Mend

Abby is either teething or has a cold, but it is enough to bother her that she stopped eating. She didn't eat much of anything from Friday to Monday, so we took her into the doctor. Luckily, no ear infection, just a runny nose, nasty cough, and clingy personality.
Teething has never been a big deal with her, but she is wanting teething rings at all times and constantly complaining about her "tee". I assume it is the start of those nasty 2 year molars.
We both worked from home parts of Monday and Tuesday to keep her rested. She loved watching Yo Gabba Gabba videos on the "puter".
I was desperate on Tuesday afternoon to get something in her system, so she had her first milkshake and loved it. We thought it would give her some calories and feel good on her teeth.
With 2 doses of her antibiotic in her system, we are seeing much improvement and her appetite seems to be coming back. Now if we can just undo all the special things we allowed while she was sick- too much TV, bad attitude, sweet foods!


  1. Addison has those same symptoms, no fun at all! Now I kinda wish I would have taken her to the doctor, but when I called they said to only bring her in if she gets a fever.

    Hope Abby feels better soon.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Oh,she's going to need her own Sonic card soon.
