
November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Eve Feast

We took the day off from work today to celebrate Thanksgiving with my sister at my Dad and Jacque's house. It was a gorgeous day to be outside on their porch so Abby was in heaven.

Her pumpkin pie "thankful" top was her dress last year. I love those clothes that convert from dress to shirt during this age.
I was so excited that Abby showed no fear when we arrived and greeted Grandpa immediately. Although we hadn't seen them since September, we talk about them all the time and she high-fived upon entering the house.
Don't let her face fool you, this kid could swing all day long!
The most fun you can have at Granpa's house is on the golf cart. We rode down the driveway and street 20 times today. Abby loved to ride, Kyleigh loved to drive, and Cohen liked to race the cart.
A friend of the family patrolled the area and popped in to say hello. The kids had so much fun checking out his car! May we never see this kid in this seat again! When he pulled up, her turned on the lights and announced over the car speakers that the place was surrounded and there were reports of a stolen ham. Hilarious!
Abby didn't let Kyleigh out of her sight! I have a feeling she will look up to Kyleigh for many years. I hope Kyleigh is kind to her in the teenage years and will still give Abby a little attention. She will be broken hearted when Kyleigh doesn't play with her!
We had a lovely potluck lunch outside. I brought a Pumpkin Cheesecake and a butterfly took a liking to it. I fear he ate so much he will never fly again!
We were home by 5 and let Abby enjoy sidewalk chalk and an early bath! She ate a little better today in comparison to the past week, so I hope we are moving into the hungry stage of her sickness and she'll enjoy some turkey tomorrow!
Her jammies say, "Everyone is Thankful for me". We surely are!

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