
May 18, 2011

Babies and Blue Hairs

I had dinner last night with my friends Heather, Brandi and Andrea. We ate at Luby's, a favorite of Andrea's since we were celebrating her birthday last week. We love eating there- it is dead by 6:30 when we arrive and closes at 8 ensuring we don't talk past our bedtime.

Brandi brought her 4 month old, Everett to dinner. Andrea called him a 'nugget' and there is no better word! He is a big boy!
We teased Brandi about getting the senior discount since she had meatloaf, steamed broccoli, pickled beets and spinach. Who does that? Skinny healthy Brandi does!
We had the most fun sharing advice with new Mom Brandi and embarrassing our waiter who kept coming by the table at the worst time!

Thanks for a fun evening ladies!

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