
May 16, 2011

Messy Weekend and HCG Update

We had a child free weekend filled with lameness :) Friday night we stayed in, Saturday's highlight was a long nap and after a housewarming party, we ventured out to the grocery store. We are old. I know it now!

Abby spent the weekend with my Mom and sister so that Marcus and I could do a little home improvement- we called it Project FLIP. In the front of the house, we have a guest bedroom, Abby's room, and my craft room. We flipped the guest room and craft room over the weekend.
It involved cleaning out the guest closet, also known as the juggling dump zone! Can you believe how much juggling goods Marcus has acquired? Sheesh! We had shelving in the old craft room closet to move over and the ceiling fan and chandelier had to be flipped. We also sent a car full to Goodwill and I gave a friend a tub full of scrapbooking supplies. It felt good to clean!
Abby's room is in the middle of the other two- so we dumped the furniture from the first room into her room. Thank goodness she wasn't home!
I'll share pictures of our new spaces soon! The guest bedroom is now smaller and more cozy with less sunlight (and without the pesky street light coming in) and a lower ceiling. It is a good room for sleeping! My craft room is now big enough to also be a home office. I can do more in there, enjoy the natural light, and not feel as cramped!

While we were working inside, this happened outside! Our new patio is being poured today! It is 15' wide by 10' deep and will house our new patio furniture nicely! Marcus put it all together this weekend as well. I can't wait to sip lemonade on my chaise lounge while Abby plays!
It was so tempting to eat out and have date nights while Abby was away. I realize how much we celebrate (even the little things) with food. That is one of the habits this diet is helping us to break. We actually ate in, child free, on Friday night. That never happens!

In 21 days, I have lost 13 pounds and Marcus has lost 11. I have seriously stalled and we think it is because I am not eating enough- I just am not hungry! But, my body might think I am starving it and hold on. So, this week I am upping my water and my vegetables to try and get back on track. We have both lost more than 5 inches (10 combined) between our arms, chest, waist and hips. Exciting!

I hope to lose 4 pounds this week- I have a special treat set aside for myself when the happens!

1 comment:

  1. The stall may just be stall.. I too was thinking it had stopped and you were leaving me behind :)
    I'm -15 and counting again...
    Just stick to the plan and check what you have eaten the day before.
    You can and will do it.. :)
    No eating afte 7pm and drink your water..I use balsamic vinegar on everything...and I eat a grapefruit every day. "they" say this helps to get back on track.
