
May 14, 2011

Two Cute Girlies

Thursday afternoon Abby and I drove to New Braunfels (about 80 miles south) to attend Kyleigh's, my niece, talent show. On the way, Abby and I stopped in Centerpoint Station to take a potty break and walk around. I love that store! It took all the will power I have not to get a milk shake. They make them with Blue Bell ice cream in the old fashioned blenders on the marble counter. I love Cookies and Cream mixed with Chocolate. So very good!

Abby sat in this cute chair while I was checking out the new Vera Bradley prints and put on glasses. She loves glasses- I guess she indirectly knows that Marcus and I have them and she wants them, too. It is cute!
This is Kyleigh before the talent show- beautiful! She was excited, hyper, and nervous! Her and her friend Kate sang "Our Song" by Taylor Swift and were the first ones to perform. They did wonderful- it was all super cute!
There were 35 performances that night- singing, dancing, gymnastics, piano, cup stacking, karate, etc. It was fun to watch and will be absolutely mortifying in 5 years when these kids look back at home videos! Love it!

Abby stayed in New Braunfels for the weekend. Marcus and I are planning a couple of home improvement projects and thought it was best to do them sans Abby. Pictures to come!

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