
June 25, 2011

Family Reunion 2011

Two weekends ago I attended my annual family reunion for my Dad's side of the family. I LOVED going to this every year and playing with my cousin Kristi. We are still good friends and I'm so glad we saw each other at least annually. I want Abby to have cousins her age to play with since siblings are not likely!
Kyleigh came with us in case Abby was super bored! They had fun playing with Tessa, a granddaughter of a sibling of my grandmother.

The reunion was super small this year- it happened the weekend after my Dad's Dad's family reunion (this is Dad's Mom). But, I did get to see some of my favorite people, eat fried catfish, and enjoy the hill country. Next year, there is talk of combining the 2 reunions which will lead to 100 plus people!
Above: (L) my Dad's sister and (R) her daughter Mary, me and Mary's youngest son's girlfriend Lindsay. Below: my Dad's sister Nell, her daughter Tina and her granddaughter. I want to be Aunt Nell when I grow up! She takes care of everyone, always has a fridge full of desserts ready in case 20 people pop in, and doesn't weigh 400 pounds from eating all those desserts in the fridge!
My Dad didn't join me since he is still up north for the summer- enjoy these pics Dad!

1 comment:

  1. you look great! I cannot believe how much K looks like your mom.
