
June 26, 2011


I have been meaning to post a weight loss update for everyone. We ended the 40 day extreme HCG diet at the end of May and have moved into the maintenance phase. We are trying to be low carb and keep our calories under 1200 per day. We are both using My Fitness Pal, a free website to keep track of our food. We are trying to be smart about celebratory meals and controlling our food when we can and not worrying about the occasional business lunch.

Here I am on Friday using a belt to keep my jeans up and wearing a new shirt. I spend more time going back and forth in the dressing room because I just can't believe my shirt size. Online clothes shopping is halted until I really settle into my new size.
Here is the photo from a month or so ago. When I took it I realized I didn't have many photos of myself and I want to look back at these in 2 months and realize how much better I look! It is like pregnant women taking belly shots only mine is shrinking!

I have lost almost a little more than 17 pounds and Marcus has lost more than 15 since Easter. It feels good to weigh yourself in the morning, buy new clothes and donate old clothes. My ultimate goal is 15 more pounds. I'd love that to happen by our trip to Cabo in late September. I believe if I lose another 4 pounds I'll be somewhere I haven't been in 6 or 7 years.

I have made two purchases the past few weeks for Anna 2.0, the stay-at-home part-time working Mom version of me! On the left is my new day planner- the Mom Agenda. I bought the myagenda version and I love it! I decided I'd have less computer time and an Outlook calendar wasn't smart. So, I am using the 5 sections of each day for Personal, Job #1, Job #2, Dinner, and to be determined. Nice to have an open area! It is the most beautiful turquoise silk and have my name on the bottom right. Pretty!
I also have been looking for a cute iPad case to carry in my purse on occasion. I use the iPad as my e-reader for the book study I am leading this summer, when I get a pedicure and to entertain Abby in the car/restaurants/doctor's office, etc. I needed something cute to store it! I am sure as her and I drive to my parents more in the fall or we run errands together it'll be even more needed.

Hope you all are having a good weekend! I can't believe next week is July my last month full time in the office. Amazing how quick this summer is going. Confirmation as to why I need to stay home and figure out how to slow down time so Abby stays little :)

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