
June 10, 2011

My New Jobs

First of all, thank you all for such encouragement. From Facebook to the blogs I have heard what wonderful and hard times are ahead. I love hearing it is the best job ever. My friend Erica remarked, "the rewards are eternal." I love knowing my job means something so important to the people most important to me!

So, if you know me in real life or can tell from the blog, I like to be busy. I will not be changing that part of my life this Fall! Here is our current plan!

Job #1- Consultant for Current Employer
When I "quit" my job, I actually asked for a demotion. My favorite part of my job and what I have done my whole career is plan professional events. In my current role, it is a small portion of what I do and becoming smaller. My work time has become more filled with HR, people management, financials, budgets, and operations. I do those jobs for a medical association and a national training corporation owned by my association. I miss meeting planning. So, I asked them to let me just be the meeting planner part time from home. Luckily, they said yes! So, I will plan 4 events per year in Texas plus a few single day events. I will travel 3 or 4 times per year only. I won't travel nationwide or attend trainings myself. I love this part of my job- I feel confident I have good systems in place and can do this work during naps and when Abby is at MDO.

Job #2- Virtual Assistant for a New Employer
I have a friend in real estate who works on a team of 4 agents. A few months ago (knowing this was coming) I was hired by them to be an assistant and work on their marketing. I am helping them get organized with checklists and systems, working with them on the paperwork of listing a new house (like researching home value, comps in the area, tax records, etc.), assisting them during the busy contract to closing period, and then marketing! We've started a blog, are on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. I am also updating their website!

With a few simple changes in our expenses, being good at reducing debt this summer, and these two part time jobs our financial life will not be greatly impacted. I want to be a stay at home Mom that can play! I want to be able to go to Hobby Lobby and do a craft with Abby, join clubs and take her places, and I want to get out extra energy at Chick-fil-A. I am so very grateful God put these opportunities in place for me to do that.

To help me accomplish all of this, we have elected to place Abby in Mother's Day Out two times per week. I want dedicated work days so that my other days are focused on her! She will start MDO at a local church after Labor Day. I also think this will be good for her- staying home all the time would be a big shock to her system. She needs little friends! We have also enrolled her in dance class and I am looking at a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group in our area with a friend.

We even recently ordered a new lunchbox and matching water bottle for our first day of school! I have to buy these cute things while we have two incomes :) Abby's favorite color is blue, so she loved it!

I also think there will be lots of library time, park time and of course, pool time!

All of this should begin in August. I will likely be part time in August at my current employer and then move into my consultant role around Labor Day. We have our biggest event at the end of July and then need time to transition and train.

I have had Romans 12:12 on my computer screen for more than 4 years. It reads:
" Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer" I have been faithful and patient for so long, I am really enjoying the joy-filled hopeful part for the next few months.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Anna! I'm so thrilled this is working out for you. And you have such a great plan worked out, too! I hope that you get to enjoy many of those sweet joyful moments in the months to come. And should I have a day off, I may hit you up for a playdate at "Chicken Lay" as Billa calls it. Maybe we can con Caroline to join us too :o)
