
June 13, 2011

Sunday Swim

We spent the entire weekend out of town with family and had the most fun! I took way too many pictures, so we'll go out of order since Sunday was easiest to edit and post!

We met my Aunt Vicki and Uncle Cecil for lunch on Sunday. They have a beautiful backyard with a swimming pool to occupy the kids. It allowed me to visit since I haven't seen them since I was on maternity leave more than 2 years ago and it had been 10 years before that. Our family was so close to theirs growing up and it was nice to eat hot dogs in the backyard, watch NASCAR, swim and catch up!

Abby found goggles. I was certain she wouldn't put them on. I was obviously wrong. She didn't wear them for long, but sure looked cute in them.
Abby takes to Aunt Vicki super well, as do most kids. She is the fun Aunt that everyone loves. We had regular BINGO tournaments with prizes growing up! She has taught most kids in our family how to swim and has no problem pushing you in the pool! She swam with the kids yesterday and held Abby most of the time.
The same goggles that fit Abby, fit Uncle Cecil and Abby was not happy about it! Uncle Cecil was a landscaper many years ago and know uses all that knowledge in his own backyard. I was trying to get lots of advice to add some colorful plants to our yard.
This float was a great lounger for Abby. K&C were swimming all around, so we loved securing her in this and letting her play with toys and her Daddy.
Abby also learned how to squirt a water gun on Sunday! She wanted to make it upside down most of the time, but Nana taught her and then she squirted us all!
Thank you Aunt Vicki and Uncle Cecil for having us all over! I promise we will not wait 2 years to visit again!

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