
July 24, 2011

This Closet Needs Help!

We are in the slow transition from a nursery to a toddler room and with some old and some new in the room it feels so mismatched to me! I am ready to buy her rod iron antique bed and use her new bedding! But, I'm certain she isn't ready so we wait.

I did recently get her artwork in! I love it! It doesn't match her bedding as much as I would have liked, but I think it will be obvious that it coordinates!
We spent a few hours last Sunday in her closet. I didn't take a before picture, but this is her closet before she was born, but it gives you an idea. We had two small shelving racks on the back wall from IKEA. The floor of her closet had been overrun with clothes that she had outgrown, clothes for next season, clothes to give away, etc. It was a little crazy!
Marcus went to Lowe's and came back with a shelving system to help me get it organized! Everything is removable when she is older, but right now, we just don't need a lot of hanging space. We need storage for random stuff!

We let Abby sit in her chair and watch videos on the ipod while Marcus installed and I sorted! We have a bin of winter 3T, spring 3T, 4T, and then 5 and bigger clothes ready when she grows. Between sale purchases, donations from Kyleigh and Blythe, Abby has 6 coats and 8 pairs of jeans in a size 3T. Oops! I needed to sort and see what I had a little sooner!
Here is her new closet! I essentially have 5 shelves that are each 4 feet long! They are holding toys, shoes, new bedding, diaper bags and duffle bags, her size 3T winter clothes, and her tutus and ballet shoes for dance class this fall!
It feels good to have her organized!

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