
August 02, 2011

Another Texas Zoo!

While in Fort Worth earlier this week, we visited the Fort Worth Zoo. Zoos in August in Texas aren't advisable, so we went early in the morning and were back in the AC of the hotel by 1 PM. This is Abby's 4th zoo in 11 months- we like the zoo! She gets it now- she knows what to expect, handles stroller time and freedom well, and always prefers the monkeys, gi-laughs, and the lizards. It is fun to know she has favorites!
The FW Zoo is better than San Antonio, by a mile! We loved all of the elephants- they have so many of them! They all have names and the viewing area has misters. I still think the little Waco Zoo is my favorite ;)
Abby practically moved 2 other kids out of the way and then set up Daisy and posed for this picture. Funny girl!
We saw lots of different animals. She loved feeding the fish, showed the other zoo visitors her pink toes when they commented on this alligator's toenails, and was scared of the flamingos!
We ate lunch in the Crocodile Cafe and Abby was so excited about her purple monkey cup. The cafe is built down in between a few of the crocodile/turtle/fish ponds so you are below the water with them. It was a cool place for lunch.
Since we love the zoo so much, I think our next big vacation has to be Chicago to take Abby to a really big zoo!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget that Abilene has a nice,small zoo. I think you would enjoy it. They have remodeled several times since Marc & I last went.
