
August 04, 2011

First Day at My New Job

Starting this week I work part time and stay home two days per week. Today was my first official day at home with Abby. We had fun, got a lot done, and it was glorious! I have no doubt this will be a hard job- there will be whining, little down time, and temper tantrums thrown by both parties. But, I also know there will be snuggling, baking, so much joy.

We had planned to work out, get a haircut and go to the grocery store. We only made it to the grocery store. Abby just wanted to play- in her room, with her puzzles in the living room, and in my craft room. I never think about how often we are on the go, so we spent all but an hour at home today.
We went to the grocery store this morning. Shopping with her is fun- she makes up songs, says "thank you for buying me ___________" up and down the aisle, and talks to strangers. I loved meal planning for the next two weeks knowing I will have more time to make dinner and include more fresh fruits and veggies.
We came home in time to make lunch which included iced tea! Since I'll be home more and trying to save more money, I bought myself an iced tea maker and a big Tervis Tumbler. I have been drinking tea from home all day. No more Sonic runs for me!
For lunch we had nachos and fresh fruit- I bought cherries for the first time and stained my hands and shirt removing the pits!
After lunch, Abby laid down for a nap. I woke her up after 2.5 hours! She doesn't nap well at school and always naps well at home. Another great reason to stay home! When we were eating I told her we were taking a nap next and she said "at home or at school?" I told her at home, we weren't going to school today and she had the biggest smile on her face!
Notice she is sleeping in her crib without one side. We removed it on Wednesday night knowing we had a 4-day weekend in case it was awful. She hasn't even attempted to get up yet. It can't be that easy... we are just waiting!

After her nap and some good snuggling time, we baked cookies! Abby and I love the Ginger and Clove cookie dough from Immaculate Baking Company. We ate warm cookies and watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse until Marcus came home at 5.
When putting away groceries this morning, I also threw a roast in the crock pot. It was sooo good- recipe coming soon! I love crock pot cooking and hate that I can only do it on Sunday. I'm excited to use it more during the week.
We were done with dinner and dishes by 6 PM and Abby and Marcus spent an hour in the backyard eating popsicles, swinging, and spraying each other with water.
I know not everyday will be this wonderful, but I know that today was and God gave me all the assurance I needed that this is best for my family. I love my new job!


  1. I love it!!! That sounds like a perfect day. So happy for all you!

  2. Yea, Anna! I'm so happy for you - congrats on working so hard to make it all happen! :-)

  3. Yea Jenks Fam! The good always outweighs the bad. Let us know when you are ready for a playdate. Yea for 2 1/2 hour naptime!

  4. So glad to see that you are enjoying your new role as God guides you on this fun journey of being a "mommy at home"! love you! Bag is almost finished! hehe

  5. What fun! I just believe that all of you will benefit.

