
September 04, 2011

Big Girl Bed, part 2

While in South Austin last week, I was on the hunt for toddler sized sheet set and blanket. Abby has been in her "big girl bed" for a few weeks, but we were still using the baby blankets we'd used since she arrived. She would complain her feet were cold or she needed help covering her arms. She also would be uncovered most mornings.
I had the hardest time finding a flat sheet! I didn't want to use twin sheets and have her end up with bunched up covers because everything was way too big! Buy Buy Baby had white sheet set and then I bought a really soft and plain blanket at Pottery Barn Kids.
She has slept so much better in her new covers! Yeah! I love that she is snuggly in her bed, can adjust her covers on her own, and we can truly tuck her in at night.

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