
September 03, 2011

Storytime Buddies

Eva, Madeline and Abby see each other at storytime pretty often. Marcus and Abby go most every weekend and sometimes both Eva and Madeline come too. Abby and Eva were in daycare together as babies and now, Eva and Madeline are in school together. Madeline's Mom and I have been friends for 5 years and we have gotten to know Eva's parents in the last year.
We love talking about these girls- their traits, sleeping habits, eating habits, personalities, and our choices and struggles as parents. It is so nice to talk with other parents!

I love seeing that Madeline is getting as tall as the other girls, Eva isn't shy for the camera, and my child is "not ready for her close up". We all described her as a toot for refusing the smile! A couple of the pictures she is covering her mouth with her hands to avoid smiling. We'll keep working on that :)

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