
September 15, 2011

Fun Times

After dance class on Wednesday, we had lunch with our church friends in class with us- Anna and Hannah and their Moms, Joy and Johnna. I can not tell you how many times I wanted to be THAT Mom- eating a casual lunch with friends and Abby in my workout clothes. It was wonderful and I loved it!

When leaving Anna asked Abby to hold her hand. So sweet!
Today while Abby was at MDO, I had my hair colored. It is bright red and scares me a little. I feel like my hair is so rock and roll that it makes the rest of me seem so... easy listening. Katy assured me it will fade into the red I envision soon. I feel a little silly right now! Part of the shock is that it had been 4 months since my last color- I was a faithful every 7 weeks girl before. I think I forgot how red I was previously!
We are having a great week playing, working out, and snuggling!

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