
September 13, 2011

Name That Skyline!

I spent the weekend with my friend Andrea in Houston for a hotel sponsored familiarization trip. I attend these a few times per year- it is a chance to experience the hotel and city as my attendees would. Andrea joined me since this one was shopping-themed and Marcus and I will both be gone later this month for our trip to Cabo.
We stayed in two different hotels- both connected to shopping malls. The first place we stayed had an Italian restaurant inside and this display of grappa, a special Italian wine that they soak for more than 6 months. I am not much of a drinker, so I didn't try it. I have been told is it very strong!
On Saturday, we stayed at the Galleria mall area hotel and had this for dessert at lunch- Nutella Crepes with mint, pistachios, and strawberries. Amazing! We also had a massage on Saturday afternoon and a fun wine game and dinner that night.
It was wonderful to see Houston and it's finest hotels and shopping as a tourist and not a meeting planner!

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