
December 29, 2011

Birthday Fun

The greatest benefit of a holiday birthday- we get to spend the whole day with Abby Lu! No business meetings or school to interfere with our fun day! Every year we've tried to fill it with fun things just for her.

Abby was up at 7:30 this morning and we all sang Happy Birthday in our big bed. Then, Abby and Marcus went to the local doughnut shop for our breakfast. She loves her doughnuts!

Over breakfast, we opened her birthday presents.... a family and three story dollhouse!

She had fun playing with the family and furniture while Marcus put the house together. This is our second Kid Kraft product and the assembly is the best! It took less than 30 minutes, had simple to understand directions, and the screws are color coded to match the house. I love that!

We set it up on the little blue table behind the couches. She has played with it all day long! I love the fun colors of the house and how much her imagination goes crazy while she plays with it. She named each of the family members (Mom,Dad, 2 girls, 1 boy, and grandmother) after her own family members except the small girl which should be her. She named her Shelby after the high school Sunday school teacher she obviously loves! Cracks me up!

It wasn't long before her family expanded to include Abuelo, Poppy, Dora (x2) and their cousin Diego.

 All those visitors were too much for Momma and she decided to take a nice long bubble bath ;)

Instead of a pedicure, she asked to stay home and play, so I enjoyed a pedicure all by myself! I then picked up Marcus and Abby and we had lunch outside at Newk's. It is one of Abby's favorites and she loved sitting outside.

This evening after dinner, we had her birthday cake. Since we won't have an official one at her party, we did it tonight. She wanted a blue cake!

She was pretty excited about cake! We save cake for parties and she gets so giddy knowing special cake is coming! All that excitement, and she ate about 2 bites of icing.

Happy 3rd birthday Abby Lu- we had a blast with you today!

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