
December 30, 2011

Katy and Ike Visit Texas

Our friend Katy and Ike (the ones with the fun wedding in Cabo!) moved to Los Angeles in November and they were home in Texas for Christmas. We drove to Belton Wednesday night where Ike's parents live to visit them over yummy fajitas, thanks Steve!

It was fun to see our friends and talk about life in Los Angeles. Katy just started blogging if you want to follow a Texan learning life in LA. She is a personal assistant to a celebrity and he is a music producer. You can imagine they get to do some fun things! 

We stayed at their house (Abby was with us, but no good photos!) way too late and got home just before midnight. Abby was a champ playing with everyone and watched videos on the iPhone all the way home.

We are hoping we can visit them in March and have lunch among paparazzi, see the sights from a "local" and visit the taping of a show!  

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