
January 01, 2012

Christmas Day Recap

I am a little behind with all my holiday posts, but I don't want to forget Abby's Christmas presents this year. It will help me when planning next year.... get her less! She wasn't excited about anything. Maybe next year?

I was so excited she is finally 3 and can play Candy Land. We have played in a handful of times and it is fun! She is still learning the rules, but gets super lucky with the "jump" cards. Santa also brought her much needed shoes, a soccer ball and shin guards. She starts soccer this month!

These little dolls on the left were found on Etsy, named Mary, Mabel and Maxine. Abby sleeps with them! We lost Mary at Wal-Mart and I retraced our steps across the whole store. In a last ditch effort, we stopped by customer service (3 days after Christmas, ugh!) and someone had turned it in! Santa also brought Abby black, brown, and pink  fleece pants for the upcoming winter along with a few other outfits.

Finally, Santa knew Abby loves Dora and brought her a ball and a book that comes with all 12 characters as small plastic toys. Abby loves them, they moved into the birthday dollhouse :)

We stayed home all day on Christmas. It was wonderful- we watched TV, played games, and relaxed. No real need to pull out the camera! 

Next to Candy Land in the picture above is the letter Santa left Abby telling her about the Barbie Jeep he bought her and to go to the garage. She has riden it twice since Christmas and is terrified of it. We'll try again every few weeks- I just know she will love it eventually!

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