
December 31, 2011

Eleven and Twelve

I love a fresh start. The end of one thing and the promise of something new.

2011 was a WONDERFUL year. It was better than I ever imagined it could be. God put His hand on our family and protected and provided for us in so many ways....

We were able to travel to Savannah in April and Cabo in September.

I left my full time job in August and was given two amazing part time jobs that provide me growth, challenges, and give our family the income we needed for me to stay home with Abby.

We saw just how serious a peanut allergy can be and how the Lord can bring all the pieces together to keep us safe.

We bought a new car to fit our new income- one that saves us money each month and gas each week.

We watched our baby girl become a little girl that is fully potty trained and sleeps in a big girl bed.

We celebrated friends who promised to love each other forever, those that welcomed sweet babies into their homes, and those that announced babies to come in 2012.

I had two resolutions for 2011- memorize more scripture and wear more lipstick.I do wear lipstick more- I love this one and this one, both found in 2011. I know more scripture than I did in 2010, but nearly as much as I want to. 

Looking to 2012- my resolutions all fall into one category- patience. I want to be more patient with my husband and most especially my daughter. I want to be more patient with strangers and offer a smile instead of judgement. I want to be more patient with myself- I don't have to accomplish my to do list by 9 AM- I should snuggle with Abby. I need to focus long term on a healthier body, home, and bank account.

Goodbye 2011, thank you for blessing me repeatedly!

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