
May 02, 2012

Happy Birthday PBS!

 Our local PBS station celebrated a big birthday this weekend with a big party downtown! It was fun, but exhausting and really crowded. I think they had a bigger turnout that expected!

We changed clothes in the parking lot after church, ate lunch on the way, and got there just in time to see Super Why reading a story on stage. Abby had a great view from Daddy's shoulders. Funny story... Marcus ran a 5K before church downtown and had just run on the streets 6 hours earlier!

This is Super Why, the namesake of the PBD show that we think had taught Abby all of her letters. It is all about letters, numbers, reading fairy tales, etc. Really cool show!

Clifford was also there. We don't watch him, but Abby knows him from story time on Saturday morning at our local library. She calls him the big red dog.

We were not scared of anyone, but Maya and Miguel. We have seen a few minutes of that show (if the DVR Runs long) and Abby says they are mean. She was scared to take her picture with them, but did do a high five at the end.

I used my iphone and these pictures are blurry- ugh! I think I over compressed them in email- sorry about that! Here is Princess Presto, also from Super Why. Abby most wanted to see her, so we hung around until she had a scheduled walk around at 2:30. Two minutes before she came out, Abby had to potty. Good timing kiddo!

But, we stalked her and finally found her. Abby was pretty excited!

I'm so glad we found out they were in town! It was fun to be downtown with Abby and do something in the community. 

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