
May 07, 2012

New Friends

Abby loves her school friend Makayla. Abby also loves Makayla's Mom who happens to be Abby's MDO teacher. We prayed about what school was best for Abby and have loved her MDO, due in huge part to her teacher. When in daycare, Abby's teachers made it clear that she wasn't easy for them. She would get stressed out and bite herself weekly. At MDO, her teachers praises Abby- she is funny, compassionate, and so smart. She also has to tell me when Abby isn't a good friend or a disruption during naptime, but somehow   because she is saying it with love, I can accept it so much better!

Our mother-daughter friendship with them grew when we joined The Little Gym in March and they were in the same class. Last week after class we had a picnic lunch and let the girls play on the playground. It was fun for us both! We exchanged cell phone numbers and hope to have more playdates when the school year and Little Gym session has ended.

I love making the leap to "real" friends!

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