
June 09, 2012

Abby's First Sleepover

 I can't believe I forgot to blog this.... Abby had her first friend spend the night late last month. Michael is her best buddy and at three, we just ignored the fact that he is a boy! We talked about Michael spending the night for days, always asking, "is it Friday yet?"

We went to a nearby splash pad and let them run around and get wet.

Then, we had dinner at Rosa's. Every kid we know loves to watch them make the yummy tortillas. Michael is 3 months older than Abby and almost a head shorter. He is super light- Marcus likes that and feels confident Abby could take him!

After dinner, Michael drove Abby around the neighborhood. The best part of this picture of their first little "date"- he is holding a gun and she has a baby!

Michael shares a room with his big brother and had no problem going to sleep with another person in the room. Abby, on the other hand, was up until 11 PM. She was talking, playing, reading Michael books, you name it! At one point, I went in to check on them and both of them were standing up- I asked them what was going on and she told me they were "giving love". That is what we call hugs and kisses. Oh boy!

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