
June 07, 2012

Mini San Antonio Vacay

Abby and I spent the beginning of the week with my Mom and nephew in San Antonio. My sister is a teacher who has 2 work weeks after school is out, so my Mom wanted a little trip in the middle of her 2 weeks with Cohen. We met in San Antonio at my favorite hotel on Monday afternoon and went non-stop until Wednesday when we departed for home.

The highlight of our trip was Morgan's Wonderland on Tuesday. I had sent a message out on FB asking for something to do with a 7 and 3 year old that wouldn't cost a fortune and this was suggested by numerous people. It is an all abilities park with museum and amusement park like attractions included. It is just $15 for adults and less for kids. The park was built with all kids in mind- the rides were equipped for wheelchairs, they had swings for kids with challenges, no gravel, and lots of shade. You could tell it was designed by parents- you were allowed to bring in your own food and everything in the park was included with admission- fishing, remote control boats, etc. Many of the park workers were special needs as well.

Here are some pictures from our adventure....

this screen was inside the museum area and the blue/green lines chased your movements from the screen

the butterflies on the screen would land on you if you could stand still for long enough :)

the water works area allowed you to shoot water to make things move and redesign pipes to move water around

this is one of four playgrounds on the property, it is near the wharf area with water guns, real life fishing (catch and release), and remote control boats.

Cohen drove the go kart and Abby and I enjoyed a leisurely ride in the back seat

Nana and Abby hanging out... there was a butterfly theme all around the park

near the wharf, we found Captain Hook and I burnt the back of my legs trying to get a picture with him. The bench had a metal trim that was HOT!

Inside the fake supermarket, Abby bought groceries and other kids there checked her out. When they asked for money, she didn't know they were still pretending and looked really sad. I had to give them $1. Abby bought all fruits and veggies :)

At the hotel, we spent most of our time outdoors. Cohen was our smores maker and he learned quickly that Nana and I do not want ashes in our smores!

Cohen went on this water slide 20 times at least. Abby and I went once, but she really enjoyed watching him slide more.

Someone has two fair skinned parents and someone does not :)

Yea me for catching the big jump at the right time! 

Snacks are always best when eaten in your swimsuit!

This girl was worn out on Tuesday and fell asleep in the car on the way to dinner. She slept on my like this for 30 minutes. I had a moment where I realized at 3.5, she may never do this again. So, I let her sleep a little and captured her baby face taking a nap on me.

On the way home, we visited with a college friend of mine and Abby got to run and play with her little girls. She had the most fun and I got to catch up with Alison and admire her decorating skills. I want to be her when my house grows up :)

It has been a busy two weeks with Kyleigh and Cohen and we are now back to a more normal easy schedule... until VBS starts on June 18th!

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