
February 12, 2013

Park Playdate with Popsicles

This beautiful girl turned 4 and wanted her birthday party to be at the park with popsicles. Her poor Momma had to plan an outside party with popsicles in February! It has been beautiful all month, but it was cold and rainy for her party. The girls still had lots of fun and that is what matters!

They ran over from the park to enjoy their Popsicle .. a benefit of Popsicle in February, they don't melt quickly! It was the least messy I've seen Popsicle in a long time!

Abby and Madeline share a friend, Eva, and it was fun to see her. Her Dad just had lasik and boy was I jealous on Saturday in the drizzle of his lasik. It was just yucky!

We were at the Brushy Creek Sports Complex in Cedar Park. What a cool playground!

Knowing the park equipment would be wet, we packed a few balls. Abby had fun trying to make goals on Marcus or defending his kicks.

Can you find her in this open field?

 After the park, we met up with Madeline and a few friends for dinner and cupcakes.

Happy Birthday Madeline! We love you!

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