
February 14, 2013

Top 10 List- Things I love

I hope you are having a great day with the one or the things you love most!

We celebrated with dinner last night, so tonight is dinner at home, little gifts and yummy dessert... all things that I love!

Speaking of things I love, here is a top 10 list of things I love in no order...

1. Colorful shoes that match my outfit perfectly
2. Dinner in the crockpot, a candle burning and a football game on the TV
3. Sweet tea of any kind
4. a good leather handbag that fits over my shoulder with just the bend of my arm and stays there!
5. Long lunches with girlfriends
6. 10,000 Reasons and King & Queens on my iPod
7. the smell of fresh baked bread, clean laundry or my husband's soap
8. Chevron! I may be staying at this party longer than most, but I still love it!
9. the sweet little princess stage Abby has entered
10. my new church, upcoming Dot Mom conference, and my new excitement toward the Bible

Happy Valentine Day!

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