
May 07, 2013


Abby and I have seen a lot of babies over the last week- this is Harper and she has a new baby brother Hudson. They are a new family we have gotten to know and just love! Hudson and Harper have the cutest little playroom and his nursery is all manner of chevron and elephants! So cute! I have loved my new MOPS group and their Momma Kathy is my newest friend from that group. We met Hudson and delivered dinner late last week.

The same day, we met sweet little bitty twins Caroline and Parker. They never made a noise while we were there, even when Abby and I held Caroline. I have never held a baby that small before- it was just the best! I believe they are around 5 pounds at this point.

Today, we had lunch and met Baby Sydney. Have you ever seen a more beautiful child? She made sweet faces even when she was upset. I would have a hard time saying no to this child!

All these babies reminded me of my own baby. She is such a little girl now and while I am happy to be over the worst toddler stage, I do miss the sleeping in your arms all day stage. 

Thank you Jesus for healthy babies for my sweet friends!

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