
May 05, 2013

Party Time!

We have had a really busy weekend of really fun stuff....

Saturday morning, Marcus and Abby went to a local comic book store of their Star Wars (and comics in general) celebration. It was "May the 4th be with you" day afterall. Abby had fun and Marcus was one proud Dad to have a little girl there who knew the people and was excited to be there.

That is Marcus in the crazy hooded sweatshirt. Abby wouldn't gladly hold a character like that :)

She doesn't look happy to see "Dark" Vader
 After lunch and a short nap, we celebrated Hannah's birthday with an Ariel princess party.

Abby and the birthday girl, Hannah. She was so excited to see her friends from our old church and from dance class at the party.

We left Hannah's party and drove to LauraMae's birthday party. It was a Doc McStuffins party which Abby loves! Doc is the cutest show on Disney Jr about a girl who is a doctor to stuffed animals. The girls were given all kinds of treats and able to play doctor on animals Mae's Mom provided. They even had little stethoscopes, tongue depressors, and a big book of boo-boos where Doc writes her diagnoses. 

Happy Birthday LauraMae!

Megan, Mae and Abby- these girls are sweet friends and I love seeing them play, love, and hug on each other. You can see them at Mae's fiesta last year by clicking here

Speaking of Fiesta... Abby and I dressed the park for church and our class picnic at the park today. Oh the fun of dressing up!

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