
June 09, 2013

Allowance, A Purse and A Lake First

Abby Lu cahsed in her first allowance this weekend. After reading a little, talking with friends and some prayer, we decided to give Abby money when she goes above and beyond. It could be helping me put away laundry, feeding the cat, or showing good character traits. We usually give her a quarter, sometimes more and sometime less.

This morning during breakfast we sorted and counted all her change. It was fun to do "math" with her in a way she could understand. Then, her and Marcus took her money to the coinstar at the grocery store to convert to dollar bills.

She was about $2 short of what she wanted, so we agreed to pay the remainder. She has been wanting this "sparkly A purse" for months. She saw it when we were in here in March and I refused to pay $15 for it. So, we began saving for it and Saturday was the big day! Doesn't she look excited?

Saturday night, we visited our friends Jay and Kristen at the new house they built in the far back of Steiner on the lake. It was a first for Abby- we took the golf cart down to the lake and she got to play. It was the most family friendly little spot on the lake that I have ever seen.

The docks are all owned by families with kids and they had built a big green lawn, a sandy beach with sea shells all hidden inside, swings, hammocks, you name it. We had lots of fun swimming in our clothes!

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