
June 05, 2013

Ever After DVD Taping

I have had a pretty amazing two days. When we joined our new church late last year, we had no idea that Christian-author Vicki Courtney was in our church and part of the Sunday school group we joined. Getting to know her has been a joy and I love her husband's teaching just as much. 

Last December at the Christmas party, Vicki invited a few of us girls there to participate in her DVD for her book coming out in the summer called Ever After. We all agreed thinking how much fun it would be to participate. Fast forward to last month when Vicki gave us more information on the topics and questions she would be discussing.... woah, how we all need this book! Vicki covers all the fairy tales we are fed by society and the sugar coated version of reality that we buy into. Does "you had me at hello?" sound familiar? My husband has NEVER dreamt of busting into my book club or uttering those words. Do the pictures of happy families on Pinterest leave you wondering why your family photos always turn out wrong? See, you need this book, too!

The DVD study will come out in the fall with 6 sessions that follow the book and some bonus footage of the testimonies of a few of the ladies above, including my story of infertility. You always hope going through something painful like infertility will be used later. Thank you God for allowing me to share this day with these ladies and my story with others waiting on you.

It was so nice to have hair and makeup each day! I have never seen my eyes look so good. I want Stephanie to come live with me forever!

She even played with my hair and showed me all that a bobby pin can do!

Here is my before and after from this morning. Wow!

 In all seriousness, buy the book. I can't wait to start reading it now and doing the study in the Fall. It is going to be life changing. And, a huge thank you to Vicki for including me and my story this week.

1 comment:

  1. how cool!! And I need help with the bobby pins, please!!
