
June 16, 2013

Father's Day and a Little Rash

This sweet girl loves her Daddy and she was pretty excited to celebrate him today. Although she did ask when "her day" was. Everyday kiddo!

I will be sad when she outgrows Carters and I can't dress her for every holiday. This $4.99 shirt made me smile!

She gave her Daddy a homemade card and was so proud that she got his hair color, eye color and age correct. At church this morning, she made a little craft of all the things she likes to do with Daddy. He is pretty top notch in her eyes!

Most of all, they like being silly together. I am not silly AT ALL, so I can appreciate this in them. I am the serious parent.

We had fun plans to swim with friends all afternoon and grill; however, a call to the pediatrician's office to ask about this rash that has taken over Abby's arms led us to retreat indoors. We think it is a heat rash from swimming 4 days last week and her first real sunburn, but we aren't sure. We are putting cortisone on it and avoiding heat (when we see it get really red) and hoping we are much better tomorrow.

Wishing a very happy day to the wonderful Dads out there and praying for those without a father or those wishing desperately to become one. I know how hard days like this can be. 

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