
June 18, 2013

Fun with our "New" Friends

One thing that terrified me about leaving our church last Fall was losing out on strong Christian girls in my life. I need them to uplift me, encourage me, challenge me, teach me, you name it. They play a big role in my life. God knew what I needed an answered it in a big way- I have already made so many new friends at church and in our MOPS group there. By far, the biggest blessing is this sweet girl and her family!

We knew Carrie beforehand since Marcus and her worked together, but know I can claim her as my friend, too! We were at there house on Saturday night for a shrimp and crab boil.  

Marcus loved eating the yummy seafood and I enjoyed the steak Brian made for me. I just had to look away while they were cracking legs and looking for meat. :)

Abby has made two new friends in the family also- McKenna and Addison are fun little girls with total opposite personalities! Abby is a little bit of each of them. McKenna is my new little friend and she is certain my name is Abby also!

Monday morning we met our MOPS group at a local bounce house and Abby Lu ran and jumped with the kids. I was so thrilled for her- she kept saying, "that is X, I know him/her from the cash register church." She likes the cash register toy in her class, so she renamed the whole church!

She did a great job holding McKenna's hand and sliding with her. And, she followed a little boy around all morning calling JACK. I had to ask who his Momma was and thank goodness, she is another good friend because clearly my child is smitten with him.

I am so glad we took a big leap and joined our new church and thankful for a God who knew my biggest fears and met them ten fold!

1 comment:

  1. You are so sweet! I feel so blessed by your friendship. We need to get our families together again soon!
