
June 03, 2013

Fun Times in Denver

 So, Sunday morning we left the Vail area and drove back to Denver. We had a mid-morning flight on Monday and didn't want to make the long drive in that morning. We first stopped off at Heritage Square park for a little fun!

Marcus tried out the ropes course they had- you are about 10 feet (or 20 feet if you go up another level) off the ground and harnessed into the structure while navigating different "floating steps". There were a handful of adults and kids all around the course. You do it at your own pace, just move around and challenge yourself.

Marcus was having fun UNTIL the log he was standing on came unbolted and fell! He was still harnessed in but his gut reaction was to grab the rope which he then tore his hands up on. No bueno.

As they were bandaging his hands, we learned the same thing happened the day before and they had only been open 3 days. Um, yikes. Refund please!

We then walked up the mountain to the alpine slide. You literally slide down a course dug out of the mountain on a plastic sled with a braking device. It was lots of fun!

We left Heritage Square and drove into Golden, Colorado. We decided to skip the Coors Light tour and instead visited a small local brewery, Mountain Toad. 

The town of Golden was super cute and the beer was cheap! Marcus paid $6 for this flight and enjoyed it on a patio in the 75 degree shade. We split a quesadilla from a local food trailer- fun little afternoon.

We then made the trek into Denver and checked into our downtown hotel. After resting up for 2 hours, we drove to Lime for dinner. We have visited Lim each time we are in Denver- we just love it. Last time we were there, I was pregnant. Crazy! 

I had the sweet corn tamale cakes- delish!

Marcus ordered the scorpions- jalapeno shrimp!

After dinner we parked the car back at the hotel and walked two blocks to Comedy Works to see Anjelah Johnson perform. We both really like her and it was a perfect fit since she was in Denver with us. This is my all time favorite bit of hers! Watch it- you'll laugh!

Lo and behold- Marcus was chosen for a meet and greet after the show! She had a twitter contest and picked Marcus- he tweeted it was his birthday!

She even shared her opening act's birthday cake with Marcus! We tweeted this picture back to her and she asked why she looked more bald than Marcus- ha!

It was pretty amazing night- she will be in Austin in late September and we highly recommend her!

We woke up early Monday morning and flew home- easy peasy! Monday was actually Marcus' 39th birthday! We had a little fun in Austin before picking up Abby on Tuesday afternoon from Nana's house.

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