
July 07, 2013

4th of July Fun

We have had lots of fun over the 4 day weekend and I wasn't the best picture taker!

On Thursday, we had two families over for lunch. We grilled burgers, let the kids play and then all went to our neighborhood pool. It was quick and fun! I am so used to entertaining big parties that I forget it is okay to just have a couple of two over for a meal.

After resting Thursday afternoon, we went to our friends home with the best fireworks location in Cedar Park. Their backyard butts up to the park where the city fireworks show is held. It is perfect! After dinner, we had cupcakes for dessert and Ms. Liesl was so nice to help Abby celebrate her stuffed animals birthday with a candle and song.

No joke she has told me for months that 4th of July is his birthday and she wanted a party for him. I gave Liesl the heads up and she obliged. Abby and her dog, Poppers, were happy!

As the sun set, we went outside for sparklers, poppers (the fireworks, not dog) and waited for the show to start. Note to self, keep Abby in a bow for many more years. She looks so grown up without it!

Friday morning, we joined our friends from dance class two years ago for a pool party at one of the Dance Moms (our own given group name) homes. They five girls had fun swimming, watching a Barbie movie, and chatting with each other. We ordered pizza and ate yummy desserts in the shade.

Saturday, Marcus and Abby visited his Mom and came home in time to rest and then have dinner with our friends The Billingsley family. We ate at Dahlia's which we all love and the girls played so long they were covered in a fine layer of dust. Brown bath water it was!

Today, we have enjoyed church, fried chicken for lunch, naps, swimming and playing in the backyard. Abby was given a new backyard toy that is a BIG HIT! I'll share photos soon!

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