
July 03, 2013

Fun Few Days...

I don't know how many different ways to say "and today, we went swimming" ha! It is a daily gig! Abby wanted to snuggle with Daddy at the pool on Saturday afternoon. She loves when we are early to places and she can crawl in my lap and wait. I love it, too!

Saturday night Marcus saw the new Superman movie with our friend Brian, so Brian's family and Abby and I met up at Chick-fil-A for dinner. These girls are becoming fast friends and I am so thankful!

Sunday morning we wore our little patriotic dress to church. I love buying one red/white/blue dress for Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day. This one is from a Mom at our church's preschool that I found through friends. She is super reasonable and you can pick it up and avoid shipping since she is local. Her facebook page is here

Sunday was a super special day at church where we watched the kids that had been at theater camp all week perform. We pulled Abby out of kids care to join us and she LOVED it! She was singing and mimicking their hand motions. I can't wait for her to be older and do things like this. 

On Monday morning, we had a play date with my friend Kathy and her kids Harper and Hudson. Though twice her size and age, Abby and Harper do really well together. We played in their playroom and then outside with the little pool, water table, slides and doll house. 

Baby Hudson just quietly hung out the whole time!

On Tuesday morning, we joined our Sunday school friends for a swimming party with the ladies and kids. Four families in our class have swimming pools so we have been making the rounds! This is Abby with.... Abby!

These are all the kids who swam Tuesday morning! They played so well together!

Since our pool party was in Southwest Austin, Abby and I did a little shopping before coming home. We got to visit some stores we don't go in often like Home Goods and World Market. At World Market, I found Bacon syrup. Really... does this go in coffee? Marcus declined my offer to buy him some.

I needed a little beverage for the drive and tried the new Spiced Root Beer at Starbucks. It is good- very spicy! And, I was so excited it is corn syrup free. I haven't had a corn syrup drink in 8 months and it has really curbed my headaches. This one has sugar, honey and molasses to sweeten it.

Finally I stopped at Target to see the new FEED line. Get there quickly before it is all gone! These products are super cute and with each purchase you know exactly how many American families you are feeding. I love the style, the concept, and the price! They were very reasonable to include such a giving mission. I bought the two platters below and fed 36 people. 

We had a fun day at home today, cleaning, baking and decorating for a little party tomorrow. We have friends coming over for lunch and swimming and then we are joining other friends for fireworks!

Happy 4th of July!

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