
October 24, 2013

Our Little Ol' Life

I haven't blogged much because nothing exciting has happened. We have a pretty full weekly routine which keeps us busy, but isn't great for blog posts of much interest. Here is our last few weeks.

We attend choir on Wednesday nights at our old church. We were early recently and went to visit Jesus in the Garden of Hope. I love that we have gone from praying for a baby here to having a little girl that loves to visit the garden.

Abby used her piggy bank recently to ride a few carnival rides in the mall. She is obsessed with smart cars and always wants to stop and take a picture with one. They really are that tiny!

One Sunday after church we had lunch at a local Mexican food restaurant and they had a balloon artist there. What fun!

Abby has learned to make her own bed and calls it "getting her bed ready for a party".

We are doing much better at gymnastics! We were struggling for a while with not trying and throwing a fit as a result of not being confident she could do it or do it well. Her coach is being firmer with her and we are coaching her a lot about having a good attitude and we've had 2 good weeks in a row!

I love that it is scarf weather and my hair is officially the longest it has been since college or maybe high school. It is weird to see myself in pictures and to learn how to style or not style longer hair.

Abby and I are doing Community Bible Study on Thursday mornings. Once a month we have brunch- check out the cutest cheese tray! She used cookie cutters. Love it!

This is Abby's school lunch every single day. She loves all these foods and eats them at school and then finishes up at home. I think she could eat this 5 days a week.

We are getting ready for Halloween at our house! We made little treat bags for our friends at school with these vampire teeth, bouncy balls, spider rings and a lollipop.

On the rare occasion that we are early to something, Abby loves to sit in my lap and snuggle and take pictures. I seriously should be early more often!

Wednesday night after choir we had dinner outside at the new Phil's Ice House that opened in our area. The playground is awesome and the burgers and grilled cheese were really good!

Finally, this afternoon we decorated pumpkins with our friend Kiersten and Kaylinn. We hadn't seen them since school started so it was fun to catch up and play. Tabriah made them rainbow loom bracelets and had pumpkins for them. A fun afternoon treat!

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