
October 27, 2013

Girls' Lake Weekend

I have had the best little weekend! Friday night many of the girls from my Sunday School class drove out to Lake LBJ for a weekend at our teachers' lake house. We intentionally made the weekend low-key. It was about good food, late night fellowship, and a scarf exchange.

We all brought a scarf and after drawing a number, opened scarves, traded and stole! It was fun and we all seemed to love the scarf we ended up with! I love that some girls stole to get the one they brought. Nothing like knowing what you love!

We met for dinner at Blue Bonnet Cafe in nearby Marble Falls and brought him a Banana Cream Pie and this Fudge Pie. Both were really good although this pie reminded Carrie and Morgan of a famour yucky pie in the movie The Help. Ewww.

We stayed up really late.... like 4 AM late! We were talking, snacking and ended up playing a game called Mafia. Essentially, one person is secretly the murderer and everyone else tried to figure it out. Here are more detailed directions- it was serious fun!

Saturday morning we had apple fritters from a nearby bakery. They were delicious. To balance the sugar, we also had a yummy high-protein paleo breakfast casserole and fruit.

We all got dressed about 11:30 and headed out on the lake! I have never been on Lake LBJ before, but it was beautiful. This time of year, the grass was still green and the tress were starting to change for Fall.

We saw a wide variety of homes on the lake- some really big and some needing a really big renovation!

This one is an event center- I'd love to have this view every day, even if it was at work!

The girls on the boat! Hooray for these girls that I've just recently gotten to know. I loved spending time with all of them.

We had such a good time, we are thinking of a repeat in the fall so that we can go antique shopping in the area!

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