
November 05, 2013

My Funny Child

I remember when my niece and nephew were in the age Abby is in now I just loved it. I had claimed age 4-6 as my very favorite and I am so glad Abby is now in that age bracket. She makes me laugh, amazes me with how much she knows, and kills me with her determination. :)

Here are a few things she is loving right now:

She likes to make her bed. She calls it her "company bed". We don't make beds daily, just when company is coming! She always makes me take a picture of it made.

We still play with our doll house daily and enjoy having Kyleigh (she named the little girl after my niece) hanging off the side. In case she falls, Abby has the soft doll carrier waiting on the ground.

With church, preschool in a church, community Bible study and choir each week, we are all about Jesus. Abby tells Bible stories, talks about God, and sings Bible songs all day long. I love her heart for Jesus right now. We also have fun talking to Siri. Abby wanted to ask her about Jesus and her response made us laugh.

We love snuggling in the chair and watching football! I don't know if she likes football or just staying up a little late with Momma. She always wants to know who I am cheering for and then does a little cheer for them. She always cheers for the same team as me. Marcus has even taken her to 2 high school football games while I've been out of town and she has done really well. I think we are ready for a Texas Tech game next year!

Nothing beats a Popsicle for dessert no matter how cold it is outside!

Love this sweet little girl!

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