
November 01, 2013

Super Halloween 2013

My people love super heroes so it was only natural when Abby decided to be Wonder Woman that Marcus and I raid his t-shirt stash for our "costumes"!

Abby talked about being Wonder Woman for months. She talked like her, acted like her, and even practiced her poses for weeks. She was serious about being a super hero!

I had forgotten she was Wonder Woman as a baby in daycare. We didn't want her to ruin her costume at school, so she wore a WW onesie we had bought at Fiesta Texas.

As always our neighborhood was decked out for Halloween, so we invited friends to join us. 


We gave the girls some vampire teeth to play with. They were funny with them trying to be scary.

 We visited about 15 homes for candy and ended with our favorite scary house. It has never scared Abby, but it frightened Addison to no end. She hated even walking past it on the other side of the street to get home. 

Abby likes to pretend she is scared! :)

I was feeling nostalgic.... here is our little girl and her first four Halloweens. 

And this year.... since she was so into her costume, we decided to have pictures made at Picture People. It was hard to get her to smile. She "ran" the whole photo session telling us exactly how she should stand and what she was doing.

I think she is pretty WONDERful!

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