
December 27, 2013

2013 Christmas Eve and Eve Eve

I am going to break Christmas up into two posts....

On Monday, the 23rd we joined our friends in Cedar Park to walk through Chianti Court. They live within walking distance, so it is wonderful to grab a drink, bundle up, and walk over to the most well lit and decorated street in our area. 

Every house goes ALL OUT and in the middle of the cul de sac, they have food, drinks, Santa and even had Monday night football on a big screen. They are serious and we love going!

We started a new tradition this year.... opening wise men gifts on Christmas Eve. It is three gifts in the vein of the gifts of frankincense, myrrh, and gold that the wise men brought to their king. We talk about Jesus being born, how He still is our King and what gifts we would bring.

Gold is something of high value and therefore it was something Abby really valued this year. She opened a baby doll that you can dress, fits in a stroller, etc. It is the Target version of an American Girl and she has not left her side since. We named her Goldie and then Kia Luca Cora. Who knows what will stick!

The gift of myrrh was given as a perfume- it made you smell good. So, we did Disney Princess bath toys. There are the five major Princesses. These were bought on the cruise in September and she loves them. We had to balance out the Star Wars. They will be great at the pool this summer.

Frankincense was an emblem or prayer and a perfume in sanctuaries, so we viewed it as something spiritual. Abby received a new Veggies Tales DVD and CD to represent frankincense. In future years, I imagine a devotional for the new year.

After our wise men gifts, we drove to my sister's house for Christmas with her and my Mom. We had a yummy BBQ lunch and my aunt and her boyfriend joined us. We did gifts to and from Mom and with the kids.

My Mom and the grandkids.... age 12, 9 and almost 5.

After spending the day with my sister, we came home, changed clothes and went to Christmas Eve service. It is always wonderful to stop with "santa", light a candle and sing Silent Night with other believers. I love Christmas Eve service.

Christmas Day coming soon.... it involved shooting guns and playing mafia!

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