
December 19, 2013

Christmas Program

Abby had her Christmas program at school on Wednesday night. It is always fun to see the kids sing and dance an entire song since we've been hearing bits and pieces for weeks now!

Nana came into town to see Abby's program. Abby was so excited to have Nana there that she called out to her from stage two times. Oh the lack of shame a kid can have!

They did a great job singing a handful of songs and doing sign language and dance moves with each. Her school does a great job with the kids.

Abby has become smitten with this sweet boy, Micah. I understand from the teachers that all the little girls like him. They bring him gifts, want to sit with him, etc. He is sweet as can be!

Abby has two little friends at school with her, just in other classes. Lila was all decked out for the program in the most beautiful dress! She was so sweet to give Abby Lu some of her roses.

Abby's other friend is Lilia that we met in dance class more than 2 years ago. She turned five the day after the Kindergarten cut off, so she is in the Fab Fives class with a bunch of boys that were held back! Abby is always so excited to play with Abby on the playground, during music and at chapel. Abby shared a rose with Lilia. :)

One more day of school and we are out for two weeks. We have a low-key, but super fun holiday break planned!

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