
December 09, 2013

Abby's Christmas Choir Concert

When we left our church of 10 years last fall, I was so concerned about Abby's sweet little friendships there. I didn't want her to miss out! After much prayer, we did leave the church but we have made the effort to keep her in church activities there. Our new church doesn't have as many activities during the week for kids, so we've tried to find a balance between both churches.

This year she did choir. Last year, she did AWANAs. And, we both do VBS each summer- she attends and I volunteer. It is my way of giving time back to the church that is shaping my little girl in so many ways.

So, we've attended choir practice each Wednesday night and last night, we saw the results of all that practice! She always wants to visit the Garden of Hope before church.

The church was all decked out for the program. It was choir, orchestra, full band and sweet little kids singing and playing.

 They sang two songs and did wonderful. Abby's last big public performance was her Christmas dance performance two years ago and she was awful (and funny, but don't tell her!) . This time she wasn't still or singing every word, but I loved seeing her progress.

She sang and smiled and lifted her dress and played with her hair. And, I was the proudest Mom.

And, then she did this! God love her. She raised her hands to praise Jesus with her song something her Momma has never done. I sing at church in the audience on Sunday morning, but hate to draw attention to myself and most certainly never raise my arms. Love that she had the confidence to just do it! 

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