October 28, 2009

Meet Ms. Piggy

When I was in Houston, I bought Abby a stuffed pig pillow. It is flat like a small pillow about 8x8 and then it can be folded to stand up like a stuffed animal. She loved it immediately. She just giggles when I tickle her face with it!
We snuggled with piggy while watching TV last night.
I just love those sweet pudgy piggy fingers!

October 27, 2009

DJ Hero

We own guitar hero which is lots of fun for Marcus. I enjoy watching him play it but don't know much of the music. DJ Hero came out today and Marcus bought it at lunch. Oh so much fun! Marcus gets to blend 2 songs together, scratch the records and I get to hear music I know. So, help us out, what is Marcus DJ name- DJ Marky Mark, DJ Daddy, M-Jay?

October 25, 2009

Where is the Cat?

This is by far Abby's favorite book- Where is the Cat? She loves it- smiles when we read it, crawls to pull it out among her other books, and is now a nightly staple. Every other page simply asks, where is the cat? When you turn the page, you find him in various places- on the chair, by the sea, under your hat, etc.
I am pretty certain this book was from Jennifer at my PEO book shower. I love the variety of books I received and having such wonderful women behind each of the books.

October 24, 2009

Halloween Party

Marcus and Abby attended a Halloween party on Saturday night. Her shirt says "so cute its scary". Marcus has spent the past 3 days with Abby while I am out of town. My Mom was planning to join them and assist, but she hasn't been feeling well and since we didn't know if it was allergies or the flu, she didn't come. Big points to Marcus for feeding, changing, bathing, entertaining, shopping and photographing as a single Dad this weekend. He is amazing for taking care of her and of me by sending me multiple pictures per day.
I haven't spoken to Abby since my voice on speaker phone has confused her previously. I am just dying to see her smile, hear her babble, and get a big wet kiss!
I am in Houston at a hotel attached to the Galleria Mall. It is dangerous- we end each night about 6:30 and end up shopping for 2 hours before eating dinner. I found a cute store- Crazy 8. Anyone ever heard of them? I think they are part of the Gymboree family. They had great sales! I bought Abby this cute sweater dress, the giraffe dress, next years coat, and a fun Christmas onesie. I also bought the best Daddy a flash t-shirt to match Abby's shirt and found the green lantern shirt Marcus has wanted to find. It'll be fun for Halloween since it glows in the dark!

Abby's New Wheels

I have seen this Playskool toy on numerous other blogs and when my friend Meg blogged about it with a $5 off coupon, I rushed to Wal-Mart to pick it up. Look at how proud she is- I love that smile and hope that she always feel confident in herself and her abilities.Abby is pulling up on lots of things and sits very stable now, so it was the perfect ride and walker for this stage. While sitting on it, she enjoyed checking out the spinners, lifting the hood, and shifting gears.
I think it exhausted her- she wanted up after a few minutes.

It does roll, making it a ride for her, but she wasn't too happy with it moving. I think it'll take a little more time before she can ride happy.

The blue part she is sitting on will also lift up and lock in place. This allow Abby to hold the yellow handle and push the toy as she learns to walk. She wasn't ready for that yet. She would stand holding the handle and put her weight on it which pushed it forward and she didn't know to move her feet to prevent herself from face planting.

October 23, 2009

Mmm, Mmm, Good!

This week we introduced Abby to Stage 3 foods. These are the last step before table food. They are not pureed as long and therefore are much chunkier. It was also the first time we mixed so many flavors into one item. This was turkey, rice, peas and carrots all together. Can you tell how much she liked it?This is what the jar looked like- yea, real yummy! It did smell good however. It smelled like chicken noodle soup that needed to be watered down.

Sweet Smiles and Wet Kisses

Abby has been so happy lately- she will just watch us talk and smile. I think it means she love us, too! We've also found multiple tickle spots- her neck is super ticklish. It is funny to watch her squirm to avoid us tickling her neck!
Abby has also learned how to give kisses. I have to make the kissing sound for her and be close to her face. She'll stare at my lips and then open her mouth and fall into my face with the biggest grin. It makes me laugh! She was recently kissed by our friend Blythe and Abby responded by licking Blythe's face. Nice!

October 22, 2009

Call me Mummy

Abby wore another Halloween outfit this week- it reads "My Mummy Loves Me". Feel free to refer to me as Mummy for the next 9 days!I am entering the hard to keep her still long enough for a picture stage! She is so easily distracted by me, the camera, the lightswitch, the cat, Daddy, you name it!
It ok, Mummy still loves her to bits!

If you are reading this and can say a prayer for my friend "JT". Please ask the Lord to hold her and her baby tight tonight. She is experiencing pregnancy complications for a second straight pregnancy and is in surgery tonight. I am begging the Lord to comfort her, to keep her unborn baby girl safe and sound, and to help us all support her and her husband in anyway we can.

Family Photo

We took advantage of having weekend company and had my Mom take our photo this morning before church. I love taking family photos when a baby is included! We hadn't taken a photo all together since June when our baby girl was bald!
Between these 2 photos, Marcus and I have both lost weight! Marcus has lost 8 pounds and I have lost 13. I am happy to have lost the baby weight, but know I need to lose the "double income no kids" weight that led to lots of eating out!

October 21, 2009

Gigantic Scissors for Sale

I have decided to make some changes to my craft room and am selling a couple of items including my gigantic Pottery Barn Kids scissors. I have loved these for over 2 years- they are perfect in a craft room, play room, boys bedroom, or a classroom (at a school or home).

I know many of my friends have commented on them before. So, before I list them on Craigslist and open my inbox up to a bunch of random spam, I wanted to give my friends the chance to buy them. I am selling them for $50. From end to end, each "arm" is about 50". Yes, they are more than 4 feet long.
They are made of wood and have a very sturdy hanging system on the back. The scissors are silver/grey and dark red. I think I paid about $125 for them new.

Email me or leave a comment if you want them. I can't ship them, so you need to be local!

Hello Kitty

... somebody is getting faster and thus closer and closer!

October 20, 2009

Four Future Raiders- UPDATED

I removed the picture of a picture and added the Picture People proofs sent to us. Here is a non- Red Raider picture we took before Natalie and the kids arrived.
You can see her full head of hair, long and lean legs (whose child is this?!?) and her sweet teeny little feet. I love this pose!

Thank you Meg for her sweet bloomers- they were perfect for this picture.

This past weekend my girlfriend Natalie and I went to Picture People to take Texas Tech Red Raider photos with our kids. Abby and Blythe have matching red and black tutus, shirts and hairbows. Michael recently turned 1 and we bought him a #1 TTU jersey for his birthday.

We dressed them all up for some fun pictures.We also took individual/family pictures. I love this sweet one of Abby in her tutu with Daddy's tattered ball. I am a big fan of football because of my father and hope Abby enjoys it with us as she gets older. Here is one we didn't buy, but it highlights their sweet tutus and Blythe's love of Abby. I'm thinking Blythe needs a little sister :)

October 19, 2009

On Two Feet

Abby stood up for a LONG time looking out the living room window. I think she partially enjoyed it and partially stayed because she had no idea how to get out of the position. She started with her hands on the windowsill and very tentatively moved one at a time onto the window.
She looked at us like what is this and what do I do now?

My big girl! I love it!
These windows are about 1 foot off the ground, so they are just perfect for her. I am certain we'll spend a lot more time right here before Abby learns to walk.

October 18, 2009

Don't Hold Me Back!

Marcus manages bath time 99% of the time and he is so frustrated with Abby's movement inside the tub. She wants to reach for him or the faucet, stand up, lean over, grab a toy, etc. He decided tonight to let her try the tub without any props. She did great and appeared to be much happier with her freedom.
Marcus is scared she is going to hit her head on the rim of the tub, but I assured him she will be fine. Do they sell anything to place around the top to soften it? I didn't think so, but am certain if it exists, one of you will know!

October 17, 2009

Pictures at the Mall

Saturday morning Abby got all dressed up in her best Texas Tech gear to take pictures with our friend David, Blythe, and Michael. As Texas Tech alumni, we all dressed our kids up for some football season pictures. What fun- 4 kids under the age of 6 trying to be still, look at the camera, smile, stop playing with the football, hide your gum, fix your hair, etc.
Luckily, the Picture People photographer was able to capture a couple of good ones for us. While waiting to see our pictures Abby played for the first time in the soft playground inside the mall. She had fun crawling, moving beads around, seeing herself in the mirror, and trying to stand on the soft furniture.

After our photo session, we met up with some friends for the Texas OU and the Nebraska Texas Tech football games. It was a great day of fun, football, food and friends!

October 15, 2009

I'm A Carbivore!

This girl loves bread! We give her a slice of wheat bread and she chows down. We've learned to only give her a few small pieces at one time- she will put everything on her tray inside her mouth.

Here is a video of Abby shoveling bread in her mouth (with her left hand!!!!!).

Halloween Attire

I was pregnant this time last year and went a little crazy on the post-Halloween sales. I love buying ahead for Abby Lu to save money and get her cute things. But, I have to keep track of what I have bought because sweet Abby has a handful of Halloween outfits. How many does one baby girl need?
We started wearing them this week and can do one per week and make it to Halloween. Today, she wore her "Baby's First Halloween" onesie with striped pants and her new silver shoes. I swore the shoes (size 3-6 months) fit, but she kicked them right off. We'll try those again next month and go back to our 0-3 month shoes. Sigh!The picture above is her new face and she loves to make it! It melts my pumpkin-filled heart!
Abby also wore one of her 3 Halloween bows. This one has candy corn on it and was a gift from Abby's friend Blythe. Abby and Blythe are having pictures made together this weekend. I'll be sure to post the girls pics- they are going to be cute and treasured by their Daddies!

October 14, 2009

Crazy Hair!

Abby had a little food in her hair, so Marcus cleaned it with his hands and a little water. It led to this crazy hair. Combined with her post meal daze and foody face, she looks neglected!

October 13, 2009

Brown Cow

This has to be one of the cutest moo cows I've ever seen!

October 12, 2009

Jenny Jump Up

We bought Abby a Jenny Jump Up more than a month ago and she doesn't like it much, until we added a ball hanging from the ceiling. Now, we have a jumper!
Our garage is not real deep, so Marcus hung a ball in there to make sure I pull up enough. When he brings Abby home from school, they often wait for me in the garage and Abby loves to play with the ball. I couldn't get a crisp picture to save my life. She was twirling, jumping, and bobbing all around with the yellow ball.

October 11, 2009

I Like Cheese

We tried giving Abby cheese a few weeks back to up her dairy intake and she didn't take too it very well. But, we tried again this past week and it went much better!
We started with Laughing Cow spreadable swiss cheese since we had it in the house. She ate an entire wedge. We are finding she is wanting people food much more than baby food. I think she likes picking it up herself and enjoys the task of moving it around in her mouth and chewing.At the grocery store, I bought her some cheddar and cut it up for her to pick up and feed herself. She ate a Saltine size slice with her lunch. Daycare thinks I need to up her lunch because she is wanting her afternoon bottle earlier than she used to. So, I think we will be adding a little cheese to her fruits and veggies each day.
She is so proud of herself!

October 10, 2009

Our Very First Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

When you are awaiting a pregnancy, there are many triggers that will set your mind to that deep dark place of anger and wonder. Often times the announcement of another pregnancy can do it, some times it is taking a wrong turn in the grocery store and seeing diapers instead of paper towels. For me, the fall and ever-near holiday season was some of the hardest times.I dreamed of the day my beautiful baby girl would done a fall outfit to sit among the pumpkins.
I wanted to take the most beautiful pictures of the most beautiful baby and have her be all mine.
I planned a trip to the pumpkin patch two years ago for the women and children of my Sunday school class. When that day arrived, I went to work. They lived out my day with the most beautiful children they had ever seen.
But, this isn't a pity post, it is a post of faith, of a faithful God who answers us even when we question if He can hear us.
You see, today, on a perfect crisp fall day, I took the most beautiful girl I had ever seen to a pumpkin patch.
She is all mine!

She smiled and laughed and fussed all over the pumpkin patch in the outfit I had envisioned for years prior...
... and I am so very grateful.


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