
April 28, 2007

Kyleigh's Turn in the Bluebonnets

Cohen took a turn in the bluebonnets a couple of weeks ago and today was Kyleigh's turn. There are not as many this time of the season se we know they'll be replaced by less appealing weeds real soon.

Until next year...

April 27, 2007

Tea Time

Happy 6th Birthday Miss Emily!

Kyleigh spent Friday night at Emily's house. We are good friends with her parents and Kyleigh loves to play with Emily. They enjoyed an "Alice in Wonderland" style tea party with fun dress up toys.

Thanks for having Kyleigh over to celebrate your birthday.

April 24, 2007

I love Walmart!!!

Walmart is so smart- boys shop there for random stuff and get oil changes. Boys do not go to the florist. Therefore, sell roses at places where boys need to kill time and they will buy them. Smart boys that is, smart boys like Marcus.

I'm one lucky girl because Marcus gets me flowers at least once a month and it doesn't break the bank.

Two dozen roses at Walmart- $9.99
Impressing your wife- Priceless

April 22, 2007

She works hard for the money...

Nothing exciting to post this weekend. I have an event coming up on May 8-11 and I am slammed at work. So, here is the picture of my weekend....

I have to say that when I started at Keller Williams I thought having a laptop made me important... wow, look at Anna. She has a laptop, she must be important. People need to reach her outside the office. I think now it makes me a slave to the office. Having a laptop means you are expected to work more. I don't like it. Laptops stink! :)

April 21, 2007

Backyard in Bloom

Our backyard is blooming with a variety of flowers- pink and red roses, purple little flowers and this creepy looking coral plant. Marcus cut a few of them in placed them in a bowl for me.

Disclaimer: The gerber daisies did not come from our backyard. Marcus, Kyleigh and Cohen bought them for me when I flew home last Saturday.

April 14, 2007

The Zilker Day

Well today was mostly spent down at the Zilker Park...

While Anna was flying in, I went to my friend Bill's baptism....Congrats Bill!
This was not your average ceromony...Bill had his friends and family, and a nice picnic, followed by a light dunking in Barton Springs...

Yea! Its Steve!

After that, we took Kyleigh and Cohen to the airport and then off to ice cream...they would pick the ice cream that gives you blue tongue..

After that, it was a ride down on the Zilker Zephyr...

Good south Austin day!


April 13, 2007

Tale of two cities...or the irony of the windy city

Well....Anna is not back in town today....why you ask..? Because last night we had the storms roll through Anna got to stay at the lovely Marriot in Chicago at O'Hare airport. With no luggage.

Here's the fun irony...we just booked our vacation tickets for end of lovely...Chicago! So in abou six weeks, its back to O'hare....hopefully the next trip to the Windy City will be more fun!

April 12, 2007

While the wife's away....

Currently Anna is out this week on a trip to Denver and Ohio.....while she is out, I have been dedicating my time to the land of Azeroth. That's right...I'm a geek...a World of Warcraft geek.
So WoW is a mega huge server based game, where people interact as one of two factions, the Alliance or the Horde. I happen to play as a member of the Horde...either an Undead Mage, or a Tauren Hunter.

You see, the Alliance consists of the races, human, gnome, dwarf, and Night Elf.
They have begun to battle with the races of the Horde, the Tauren, the Undead, the trolls, and the blood elves.

Now, the World of Warcraft game has a large amount of quests, interaction with ingame characters (called mobs) and other players. Most other players that are not of my faction, the Alliance, are out to kill me when I'm not looking (called ganking). As a mage, I'm easy to kill. as a hunter, not so much.

So my mage is leveled as high as she can be, level 70. My hunter is still growing, level 49 of 70. Long way to go. But the journey is a fun part. Currently I am in the fantastic land of Feralas...a lush wilderness. I am spending tonight getting down to the Un'goro Crater....a dangerous place....

But lots to be won there! For the Horde!

April 09, 2007

The Raiders strike again...

As anyone who really reads the blog knows....leaving a lil un with us is just an invitation to have us create a new Red Raider to the world.

Landry and Bella Richards spent the evening with us tonight, and we thought we would share the joy of the double T with them...

"says here...made in College Station?!"

Bella even got her Mike Leech imitation down. Look at that. He has the same look when they are 4and inches.


April 07, 2007

Wide World of Colors

This year for lent, I gave up shopping on Zappos. (No, I am not catholic, but I always give up something for lent. It makes me stronger.)

I LOVE Zappos. Never has shoe shopping been easier. Free overnight shipping and free returns. Sort by color, sort by price, sort by heel height: comfortable strappy sandals, purple dressy wedges, 4" t-strap heels, you name it and you can sort by it.

Tomorrow, oh tomorrow is a blessed day. Tomorrow I can turn on my computer and I don't have to fight the urge. I can type w-w-w-.-z-a-p-p-o-s-.-c-o-m with fast fingers. I can browse, sort and purchase new shoes for spring. I think I'll even get up early and purchase before church services...... oh, I can't wait.

Happy Easter to all! May you enjoy that which you have sacrificed-

- Anna

Spring Flowers...

I love springtime. It is a chance to plant pretty colors in the yard. We seem to enjoy new potted plants in the spring and then they die in the heat of summer. So, for now, we are enjoying orange gerber daises, white, pink and purple pansies, and red and orange zinnias on the front porch.

April 06, 2007

iConnect with Dessert Night!

Meet the ladies of iConnect....

In January our church went through an expansion and shifting of classes and Marcus and I joined iConnect. It is a class of about 40 couples in their late 20s to early 30s. It has been fun to meet all of the new people in various fellowship activities.

This part Thursday night a large group of the women in the class met up for dessert night. We had 15-20 different desserts to sample and recipes to take home. It was yummy! For those who know my dessert portfolio, I took Seminary Pudding, a favorite recipe from Mary Neal. Thank you Mary!

April 01, 2007

2006 Scrappy Awards

I love to scrapbook. My system is to complete a book for each calendar year. Tonight, I completed the 2006 scrapbook. It consists of every day adventures, little weekend get aways and special times with Kyleigh and Cohen.

At the end of each year, Marcus and I stop and go through the book- not to reminesce or reflect on our year, but to count the major players and determine the annual scrappy winner.

Past winners have included Marcus (2004) and Marcus (2005). In 2005, he won by a narrow margin over the 2006 Scrappy Award Winner..... Kyleigh!

Those of you who spend any time with me know how much time I spend with my niece and how important she is in my life. (It should also be said that I love my nephew and he is just as important) For those quantitative people out there, she appears in the book 44 times. Marcus and I tied for second and Cohen followed in a close 3rd place.

Congratulations on your esteemed award Miss Kyleigh! Uncle Marcus is jealous and plans to reclaim his award in 2007. Watch out! :)


Vivo Our Birthday!

Long live the birthday celebration! Tiffany and I celebrated our birthdays Saturday night with Mom. If you haven't tried Vivo's in East Austin, it is worth a visit. The patios (where these pictures were taken) are beautiful. There are numerous decks and fountains. The restuarant belives in ingniting all of your senses. For example, the ladies bathroom sinks are filled with ice and rose petals..... apparently, the men's room is filled with graffati! Their food is wonderful, too!

We took a couple of pictures in the patio area after dinner......

Marcus, Kyleigh and I.... She was such a little lady at dinner. She drank her water in a wine glass and felt special! It was amazing to watch her be so grown up. I think it is happening too fast for me, and I'm just her Aunt!

Cohen on the other hand, was a 2 year old trapped in a high chair in a nice restaurant after having the freedom to run and play all day. The walks to the fountains as we awaited our food were a life saver.