
May 27, 2012

Celebrating 38!

We have had a fun family day to celebrate Marcus' birthday! Late last night, Abby and I made Marcus his favorite cake, German Chocolate Pound cake. This girl loves to cook. She was asking me "what do we need? Do we need salt? Do we need baking powder?" She is going to be a good little baker real soon!

This morning Marcus opened his presents by 7:15 when Abby woke up. We then made pancakes before going to church. This was our last Sunday to serve as coordinators in the babies hall. We have been doing it for 15 months and it was time. I wanted to leave before we were burned out and be able to devote time to other things we have going on. After church, we had lunch and came home for naps. Marcus and Abby rested while I got some work done.

They ran out afterward to pick up sushi take out. HEB has good sushi and it is the perfect price! I ate potstickers and rice instead. No raw fish for me! Abby had never seen chopsticks before and called them toothpicks!

After dinner we put on our suits and visited our friends Ed and Valerie for an impromptu pool party. They had family in town, so we brought over birthday cake and Marcus and Abby swam in the pool. She also loved chasing the dogs in the backyard. We almost got a puppy for Marcus' birthday :)

Along the pet lines, we had to buy a new fish this week. Dorothy lasted 10 months which I am told is a good long fish life. Marcus didn't want to tell Abby what happened to her and I did. He felt strongly about it, so I let him make the call. He didn't get a replacement in time and Abby noticed when Marcus was at work. Uh, I don't know how to lie about this.... so I called Marcus and he told me to handle it however I wanted. I told Abby Dorothy got sick and went to heaven. She was totally cool about it once I told her we could get another fish. So, we know have a red Dorothy.