
June 01, 2012

Whew, what a week!

 Kyleigh (almost 11) has spent the week with us. We picked her up on Monday morning and we have tried to pack in lots of fun since then! But, I have quickly learned a few things:

- 10 year olds and 3 year olds like very different things
- a certain little girl does not share her Momma very well
- living in your swimsuit all day for a couple of days is fun
- I don't know how you Moms with multiple kids make everyone happy!

We have no joke been swimming for 6 straight days. We have visited 4 different swimming pools and been to the splash pad twice. Here is our week in reverse, because I am tired!

This morning we had a play date with about 15 friends at the splash pad. Kyleigh loved holding baby Cohen who shares his name with her brother.

Abby spent more time in the sand than the water.

Tonight, we met Marcus at the local YMCA to swim more. They have two big fun slides that Kyleigh loves and Abby loves to cheer for her!

Thursday afternoon we saw Lorax 3D. It was cute- the 3D part was funny to watch. Abby would almost fall our of her seat reaching for things or she would duck and flinch when things came out. Cute movie!

You would think this picture would be after one of our many hours swimming, but apparently a movie is more exhausting!

 Kyleigh was super helpful with Abby, yet I tried to remember she is only 10 and this is supposed to be fun for her. Abby was sweet to Kyleigh for the most part until she got embarrassed, jealous, tired, grumpy, sad, you name it :)

We visited the park on Tuesday morning. That is when I learned that 10 year olds don't like the park anymore. We left after about 30 minutes because Kyleigh was playing on my iPhone and Abby was sad Kyleigh wouldn't play with her.

Monday we spent Memorial Day swimming at Marcus' coworkers home. We spend every Memorial Day there and just love it! In her little vest and intertube, Abby can go everywhere in the pool with confidence. Marcus gained confidence after seeing Abby's skills :)

We are taking Kyleigh to see another cousin tomorrow after our family reunion and then Monday Abby and I are back to our favorite hotel in San Antonio to spend a couple of days with my Mom and Cohen. 

It is summer and I am loving it!

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